
20 January 2012

december blogger's block of the month

I've made the december blogger's block of the month blocks over the past two nights but haven't finished them off.

this was the original fabric choice for the blocks...

I wasn't sure about the placement of the yellow checkerboard so I decided to move them around...

and as there were three blocks I thought I'd try another way...

I'm leaning towards this last one but I'll leave them on the design wall for a while longer !

I need to make a start on my wonky house blocks this weekend as I've got less than a month to make 12 so I've decided to ban myself from the computer for the weekend !  I'll be back on Sunday night - hopefully with a few wonky house blocks to show :)

before I go I thought I'd share a photo of some early morning visitors...they were just outside the front fence when I was getting the camera organised but something spooked them and I had to wait until they were settled a few paddocks over !

hope you all have a great weekend and get some sewing in :)


  1. I like the middle choice, if you were interested....

  2. Not that you were asking for opinions, but I prefer the middle one too. Either way you go, it will still end up pretty.

  3. All good I think but are there more to come??

    Good luck with the wonkies! Just finished 6 now! But sure you will easily catch up! Can you put a roo in one for me?? Hehe they look so cute in your photo!

  4. Your Blogger's BOM blocks are looking great, whichever one you settle on. I like your colors! Thanks for photographing the 'roos, as I asked. They're so neat to see. Now, should I take a picture of a fat 'ole Iowa hog for you!? (ggg) Yes, it's best to keep away from the computer when you want to accomplish something. Hope it works for you!


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