
06 August 2016

repeat QAL - finished top

Its time to link up my finished top in the Repeat QAL being hosted by Patty over at Elm Street Quilts.

I finished the last of my letters a few weeks ago and then someone said squirrel and that was it !!

So here are my final letters s, r, l, and t

and then I made the star block - I love this fabric - its Blueberry Park by Karen Lewis for Robert Kaufman - its the fabric I started with and its why I made all of the letters in pink !

the next day I had sewn all of the letters and star together - its so fabulous !

and then this week I finally put the borders on !  I was taking photos of the finished top to do this blog post and discovered that the word quilt was quite uneven !! it was a bit like my handwriting and curved up at the end - hah !

I thought that it might not look so bad when it was all quilted but of course the more I thought about it I knew I'd need to fix it so I unpicked the l and t blocks and remade them and sewed them back in.  I'm really pleased I fixed it and it didn't take very long - my unpicker and I have a very special relationship !!

so with that issue solved I've finally got a quilt top to link up !! I really should have had it quilted but the quilting always stumps me - I'm thinking I might do pebbles around the letters as I really want them to stand out and then I might do straight lines - I'll think about it a bit longer but I've given myself until the end of August to get it done !

so without further ado - my finished quilt top !

If you want to check out all of the Repeat quilts - visit the linky over at Elm Street Quilts.

 Elm Street Quilts Repeat QAL

02 August 2016

Building Blocks Tuesday at daisy and jack handmade !

Hi there and welcome to this week's Building Blocks Tuesday.

I'm guest blogging for Jen at Quilter in the Closet while she enjoys a summer break.  Its been fun visting the guest bloggers over the summer and I'm the last on the list !! Jen will be back next week - sure hope she's had a wonderful summer :)

This year its been all about blocks for me - I've joined in quite a few quilt alongs and I'm also in a flickr bee doing blocks for others.  I'm also using some of my long hoarded fabric stashes which makes me happy !

The Bubbles Bee is making blocks based on Aylin's Bubbles quilt.  Its a log cabin block that makes circles which is just so fabulous !

The bee started in June and runs until March next year and I've made two blocks so far.

This amazing plum and mustard block for Aylin

and this grey and low volume block for Sue which I just finished on the weekend !

I've also been making blocks for the Project 48 quilt - this is a 48 block quilt along with one block being published each Friday.  Their tag line is One year | Two quilters | Twenty-four quilty friends | Forty-eight blocks and is organised by Crystal and Linden who both live in Canberra, Australia, which is not that far from me.

I'm using my Lizzy House stash for these blocks - here are the blocks I've made so far - I'm hoping to catch up a bit more this month.

I just had to join in with Amy Gibson and her 2016 Sugar Block Club BOM - I'm using my Denyse Schmidt stash for these blocks and I'm almost keeping up !!

I also joined in the awesome which is the Splendid Sampler quilt along being run by Pat Sloan and Jane (Quilt Jane) Davidson - it seems that everyone is making blocks in this 100 block marathon - I'm very behind but I don't mind - I'll get them all done eventually :)

and because I'm one of those crazy quilters, I'm joining yet another quilt along which starts in mid August - #100days100blocks - its being hosted over on instagram by Angie GnomeAngel and friends and is based on Tula Pink's City Sampler 100 modern quilt blocks book - as I have a stash of Tula fabrics I thought I'd join in and get them into a quilt instead of on my sewing studio shelves !!

As you can see I'll have quite a few blocks to link up with Building Block Tuesday for the rest of the year !!

Thanks so much for joining me for this week's Building Blocks Tuesday - so what blocks have you been working on this week?  I would love to see.  Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them so show them off!