Hi there I'm miss daisy ghastlie and this is my day on the ghastlies blog hop - I'm so ghastlie glad you could join me ... but first I interrupt for an important message !
its also my mum's birthday today so I just wanted to wish her a very happy birthday with lots of cuddles and kisses - mwah ! they are on the last days of a cruise so hopefully dad has made sure there are big celebrations on board !!
now back to the ghastlies 'cause that's why you're here !
so welcome ghastlie fans - I hope you're having fun on the
ghastlie hop - aren't there some amazingly talented ladies who have caught this ghastlie flu - I've been soooo inspired by my ghastlie sisters :)
I heard Madame Samm's call to ghastlie fans for the hop a while back and thought I'd join in 'cause that ghastlie fabric is just so ... well ... ghastlie ! it took me a little while to realise that this meant my blog was going to be one of those being hopped to !
eek - my blog wasn't even live and I didn't have any ghastlie fabric - but it was just the nudge I needed to get my blog a bit respectable for visitors so I did a few posts, ordered some fabric, and thought about what I was going to make...so far so good !
then at the end of September I put my sewing machine in for a service thinking it would be away for a week at the most but ... 5 1/2 weeks later and I'm still waiting for it to come back - thankfully I was able to borrow a machine to do a couple of ghastlie projects and I think they turned out ok :)
so without further ado ... my ghastlie projects (sorry if some of the photos seem a little blurry - must be halloween!)
Every ghastlie sister needs a ghastlie handbag - I absolutely love how sebastian just made it on to the front of the bag by a whisker ! but its ok 'cause he's inside as well
this little bag is from a tutorial by Rachel at PS I Quilt - I made mine a bit bigger though!
and a glasses case - well of course I needed a couple - and I love Prudence - especially when she's holding the hammer !
I've used flexi-frames and I think there are a few tutorials on-line - I used a pattern from the Anni Downs book "in the life of a bag".
I couldn't bear to cut up Aunt Gertrude on the chaise so I made this mug rug which is a smidge bigger than the other one with just straight quilted lines
this mug rug has sebastian looking sneaky as usual and the spinster aunts knitting and is quilted in a grid so it looks like they're looking through the window with those beady eyes!
Aunt Gertrude's mug rug has a bramble backing and the spinster aunts have to contend with sebastian again !
if you'd like to know the names and info of all the members of the family - visit Mrs Doris Ghastlie here
now don't forget to
leave a comment so I can enter you into the sponsor giveaway -
Madame Samm will be drawing a winner from the names that my ghastlie sisters and I provide at the
end of today – there are some ghastlie prizes to be had so good luck !
and I'm having a giveaway as well - if you like the Aunt Gertrude on the chaise mug rug, leave me a comment saying you love mug rugs and I'll enter you into my giveaway as well as the main one - and no, you don't have to follow but you can if you like :)
I will draw a name on Sunday 6 November (Australian time) so good luck with that one as well !
I'm not sure that I'm over the flu - in fact I think after visiting my ghastlie sisters my fever has reached high point and I'll be making more ghastlie goodies and of course a quilt very soon !
so be sure to visit my ghastlie sisters who are also posting today...
oh, and did you hear - the ghastlies blog hop is going to be an annual event - thanks so much Madame Samm !
that's it from me - I've had so much fun - thanks for visiting :)