
29 June 2012

hexy mf quilt-along

have you heard about the hexy mf quilt-along happening over at the fat quarterly blog ? Katy from i'm a ginger monkey is doing a quilt-along for her paper pieced hexy mf quilt.  When I first saw the quilt-along mentioned I tried hard to resist - really I did - but you know where this is going, don't you !!

hexy mf  (photo i'm a ginger monkey)

Katy decided to rename her quilt just for the quilt-along - as she says "if you’re wondering what the MF stands for it’s from the Prince song Sexy MF. This is why we need a more polite name, to better represent LillyBelle’s elegance and sophistication!"

so Katy and the fat quarterly crew put out a call for suggestions for a new name and were offering a fat quarter bundle of Lillybelle which is a new line by Bari J for Art Gallery Fabrics that Katy just happens to be using for the quilt-along.

LillyBelle (photo fat quarter shop)
I really like the hexy mf name - but I left a comment with my suggestion of just changing the mf bit to hexy modern flair - you know - nice and clean :)

Well, Katy liked my idea as well as Teresa's suggestion of hexy multiple flowers and she couldn't decide which one so we both receive a bundle of Lillybelle and I'm very excited 'cause I just LOVE Art Gallery Fabrics :)

so of course when I found out I'd won the fabric - well, I just had to join the quilt-along - I mean, really - I just had to !

off I went lickety split and bought a template kit from Katy and stocked up on the paper pieces as well !

now, the icing on the cake is that the July Blogger's Choice fat quarter bundle that I get from the Fat Quarter Shop has been put together by Jeni from In Colour Order and it has four LillyBelle fabrics as well as other Art Gallery Fabrics that I'll now be using to make Katy's hexy mf !

blogger's choice (photo fat quarter shop)

so how about it - are you going to quilt-along too ?


  1. I can see why you had absolutely no choice but to join in - I have bought the templates but am trying to stick to plan A ! Getting UFOs finished!

  2. Oooh, congrats on your win! i`m doing it too although very casually but as I`m using 1'' hexies, mine may be more LF than MF!

  3. Congratulations! I'm not joining in (at the moment...that may change) but I'm certainly watching with interest!!

  4. Ack! Too many choices for QAL and BOMs! I think I'm joining Lori Holt's (Bee in my Bonnet) Granny Square QAL. But TWO QALs?! I don't think I could do it. But good for you to bravely give it a go!


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