I signed up to do the new york beauty quilt along which started last week and did the first block on the weekend – really loved doing the paper piecing which initially I wasn’t sure about.
After I’d done the strips to make the circle, I decided that I needed to arrange the fabrics differently so that the points stand out more but thought I’d push on with this block as a practice block and make it into a cushion.
I haven’t really done circle sewing before and remembered my mum had given me a special foot designed to do circles last time I was home so went on the hunt for that foot. I found the box with the attachments but no foot, so I phoned mum to see if I’d left it there.
anyway, I decided to have a go at the inner circle and sewed all four not using pins – I’d once tried to do a curve using pins and the fabric underneath got all caught up and I had a lovely time trying to unpick it all !
the circle turned out ok but I thought I’d wait to hear from mum about the foot before I tackled the outer circle – didn’t want to push my luck !
Mum phoned this morning to say that she’d found the foot and had popped it in the post...so while I’m waiting I must get on with the DQS12 quilt :)
How have I missed these posts!? Had a few problems with google! This is gorgeous Leanne. I love the way the points appear and disappear into the background and the colours are stunning!