
02 October 2013

sugar block club update

I'm doing the Sugar Block Club with Amy Gibson of Stitchery Dickory Dock this year and I'm pleased to say its one thing that I'm up to date with.

Back in March I posted my January, February and March blocks so I thought it was about time I did an update.

I also signed my mum up to the BOM as part of her Christmas present last year - I thought it would be fun to do a BOM together - she sent me a photo of her January block which I posted in March but I've got a sneeky suspicion that she hasn't done any of the other blocks !

I'm using the fabric I received in the January Blogger's Choice fat quarter bundle from Fat Quarter Shop which includes some cute fabrics from Pam Kitty Morning and also Hill Farm by Brenda Riddle - they seem to suit the theme !

April - Sunny Days

May - signed sealed delivered

June - Home Sweet Home

July - Lime Sherbet

August - Camp Out

September - Come Fly with me
I made this block according to the instructions...(excuse the terrible photo !)

then thought it looked weird for a Granny block so I changed it

then I read the instructions again and discovered that it was a play on the granny block - oh well - its now a granny block !!

October - Lucky Star

There are two more months to go in this BOM so I'll have another cute top to get my quilting practice on next year !


  1. Lots of very pretty blocks - love all the fussy cutting that adds to their glow.

  2. It's a pretty BOM, and you've made lovely fabric choices. It's especially good that you're caught up! Good for you for that too. Now to see it through to a quilt. Ha. That's the part that I always get hung up on!

  3. Well done on all of those finishes ! They look fab . I'm in the same boat as your mum, just a little bit further ahead than her . I think I've done three ! Oops .

  4. Lovely blocks, congrats on being up to date too!


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