
04 October 2012

my very creative dad !

since my dad has retired, we've discovered he's got an artistic streak!

when I was growing up he was usually busy with work and meetings and he was involved in a lot of volunteer and service groups so he probably didn't have much time to show his creative side.

I was visiting mum and dad not long after they'd retired to Queensland and discovered that dad had done a ceramics course - the conversation with my mum went like this ...

me - wow fabulous bowl mum - where did you get that one ?

mum - oh your dad made it

me - what ! dad made it - really ! its fabulous - wow !

mum - yes, he's made a few items :)

and recently he's discovered glass mosaics and has made a few clocks for the family - I was really happy to receive one for my birthday this year - its just gorgeous.

last week Dad sent me photos of his latest project - a glass mosaic table top which is stunning - when I was last at home a few months ago this was just a plain glass top outdoor table !

he's taken apart a couple of bird leadlight hangers (I think they're called light catchers) that were left at the house from the previous owners and set them into the glass mosaic

isn't it fabulous - I just love the design and the colours he's used - so now mum and I are thinking maybe we should get him into quilting - I can just seem him doing some great designs with a long arm quilting machine :)


  1. These are just stunning! Tell your dad he is doing a beautiful job!!

  2. Wow! His work is beautiful. If he doesn't want to make a quilt, I bet he would be good at designing them for the rest of us.

  3. Wow he has a real talent there! Funny how he kept it hidden for so long! =D

  4. Your dads projects are awesome. I love the little wrens. You must treasure your gift, it is beautiful.

    Cheers Pauline

  5. What a great talent your dad has! And it's been hidden away all these years?! Well, his skills are a good indicator of where your gifts came from.

  6. It's wonderful that your father is so talented and enthusiastic, and that he uses his retirement time to learn and do so wonderful things...


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