
24 April 2012

love lines restored

on yesterday's post I showed one of my mini quilts that I'd put in water and the red from one of the fabrics had run.

Well, I found Dylon Colour Run Remover at the supermarket and soaked the mini in that and voila - no more red where it shouldn't be !

kind of makes me wonder what is in it that it can remove red dye from white fabric ! but it restored my mini so I'm very happy - no unpicking -  yay

thanks so much for your comments and suggestions on getting rid of the dye - I'll definately be using colour catcher next time I put any of my quilts in water - even if they don't have red in them - better to be safe than sorry:)


  1. So happy you found a product that worked for you. Too pretty a piece to take apart - especially tiny pieces - they tend to loose their shape then.

  2. I have never heard of the product before, but it sounds like a great one to have on hand.

  3. Wow, that stuff is awesome. I have a Christmas Quilt that turned pink because of red fabric! Your mini is beautiful, I love chevrons these days.

  4. Phew! I love your mini and I'm so glad you could rescue it!

  5. Great news. I'm going to get some of that myself, just in case.

  6. I have also heard that salt in the water helps to stop colours running but I am very glad you found something as your mini quilt is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Best news! It is back to pure gorgeousness now!


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