
19 July 2017

Photobucket fail !

Just a quick post about the recent goings on at Photobucket - a formerly free image hosting site. If you've wandered around blogs and the internet lately you might have noticed previously lovely images have disappeared and in their place are these ugly notices !!

They very quietly changed their 3rd party image hosting policy earlier this month and its gone from free to $400 US per year - add another $100 to that in Australian dollars ! Photobucket has now been accused of all sorts of things including blackmail after images just disappeared across the internet !

My blog buttons are still showing but I did get a notice today (3 weeks after the policy came into effect) that I needed to update so I've moved my Quilty 365 blog button to Flickr. I've updated the link under the blog button so if you've used this link you might like to update it - just copy the new one and paste over the old one !


The Photobucket link is still working for the moment but I'm sure it will disappear soon and I'll use Flickr for any other images that I need to embed in the future :)

So now that is sorted I can get back to some hand stitching !

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed that they don't give any options to continue for free. I downloaded all my quilt photos and put them in dropbox and my photos on Pinterest seem to be ok so far. It will be interesting when they delete everything.


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