
02 March 2013

material obsession 2 giveaway

its time to draw the material obsession 2 book giveaway - thanks to those who visited my blog and left a comment - it was great to hear your tips for machine quilting :)

so I've decided to just go for it - I think the reason I haven't started fmq even though I've had the Janome for almost two months is that I'm just scared that I'll mess up a perfectly fine quilt top !

but tomorrow I’m going to ignore my fear and just go for it :)

I've been practicing my stipple quilting ...

I’m pretty happy – mostly round curves – just need to relax and breath !

I'm a bit obsessed about pebble quilting too - lots more practice needed for that design though. 

so onto the winner of the book...I had 20 comments although two from Linda (hi Linda - waving :)) and one from my dad (thanks dad - love you ! )  so I put numbers 1 - 18 in mr random generator and he came up with #13 - lucky for one !

Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Can’t believe it picked my dad’s comment (mum already has this book!) so the next comment was from Michele of Quilts from my Crayon Box - congratulations Michele and thanks for your tip!  I’ll be sending you an email today to get your postal address – hope you really enjoy the book :)

I'm off to the sewing room this afternoon – I've failed on my February projects !  my three cushions for A Lovely Year of Finishes are still not finished although they are further along than the beginning of the month. I also have to re-do February’s And Sew On BOM block – the “unpicker” block has caused me to unpick at least 5 times but I just can’t get the handles to match up !

Have a great weekend :)


  1. Congratulations to Michele and thank you for hosting.

  2. Thank you so much! I love getting those sorts of emails. The stippling looks great. Enjoy the process.

  3. Madly waving back at you too! Sorry I messed up on your comment numbering, but very happy that Michele won. I know you've heard it before, but it takes practice to become smooth at FMQing. Keep at it. You will get better!


thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment ♥