
22 February 2013

happy blogiversary

happy 3rd birthday little blog - yes, three years although I only did three posts in my first year and it wasn't until October 2011 that I really got into blogging - I was in my first blog hop in November 2011 so that was a great motivator :) Actually I think it was around October 2011 that I went "live" with my blog - nothing like a long honeymoon !!  so if I want to get persnickety I could say I've only been blogging for 1 1/2 years but I'm going with 3 :)

I'd really like to thank everyone who has ever visited my blog or left a comment - I'm pretty amazed that I now have over 100 followers on google friends and I also have readers through email and RSS - thank you so much- its really nice to receive so much support from people all around the world and it continues to amaze me daily:)

I've met so many wonderful people online over the past three years and as I usually sew by myself its been so nice to be able to connect with people with the same passion !

so to celebrate and to say thanks for following along with me, I have a copy of Material Obsessions 2 for one of my readers :) its such a great book with heaps of eye candy !  its by australian quilters Kathy Doughty and Sarah Fielke - and just a heads up Sarah's newest quilting book, Hand Quilted with Love is due out in March - keep an eye out for that one - it looks fabulous too :)

if you'd like to add this book to your library, just leave me a comment by Friday 1 March (australian time) and as I'm about to start on my free motion quilting journey you might want to share your best fmq tip !

giveaway closed - Michelle from Quilts from my Crayon Box was the winner :)
I'll email the lucky reader on Saturday 2 March so please make sure I can contact you :)

good luck and have a great weekend- I'm off to the sewing room:)


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary - my biggest tip for FMQ - just go for it!! No fear!!

  2. Congratulations on your 3rd aniversary, good for you in giving FMQ a go I haven't got that game yet.

  3. Congratulations!
    I'm just a beginner at FMQ but I'd say relax and breathe!

  4. congrats on your blogaversary,blogland is just the best,have a wonderful weekend.xx
    ps sorry i havent started my FMQ journey as yet,good luck though.xx

  5. happy blogaversary!!! FMQ is fairly new to me. Did you try or look at the yearly challenge that SewCalGal posted last year? you can still have a look I think. it is on my sidebar if you like. I am far from good at this, but getting better. You need to relax and figure out what you want to quilt and where before you start...but try to have fun.

  6. I'm very glad I found your blog, and you, more than a year ago. It's been fun to get acquainted. Thank you for the chance to win your lovely giveaway, but most of all, congratulations on three years of blogging, and now being so dedicated to it!

  7. P.S. (Sorry, I forgot to add)... My best FMQ tip is to use Neutrogena hand creme for managing your quilt while it's under the needle. Forget the gloves!

  8. Parabéns e postagens felizes!!!!!Obrigada por me deixar fazer parte ,sou seguidora e brasileira.Tudo de bom para você.Bençãos!

  9. Congratulations! My FMQ tip? Don't forget to breathe! Oh, and keep your shoulders away from your ears!

  10. congratulations on three whole years! well done! i will happily be reading all the tips you get on FMQ as well. I have taken an older ufo, layered it and I practice for a while on that before each new item I quilt. It helps learning new stitches and the size is more realistic than practicing on little quilt sandwiches. I think the earlier tips are correct, just relax, lower your shoulders and get the floww going; the practice peice just starts that flow. good luck, your new project is beautiful! Lori

  11. What! How grand is it to celebrate these times! Even if the times are squishy.

    I've been watching (even in the background) uTube videos. Just being able to let go and to say. . mistakes aren't bad! Good luck with your practice!

  12. I think my best FMQ tip is to not be too critical. Usually you are the only one who sees the "flaws." No one else knows that what's on the fabric doesn't exactly match what was in your head, and it all looks great from across the room!

  13. Congrats on your blogiversary! I really do not have a tip on FMQ, because I am just starting to
    practice it. Thanks for the chance to win!


  14. That's a good one "persnickety".
    You didn't get that one from me.
    Love D.

  15. Congrats on your anniversary! I recently started to FMQ also and the one thing that I found that I really do like is the Machinagers gloves. They do help keep a decent grip on the sandwich while I am working on it. Good luck!

  16. Happy Versary Leanne! Glad I met you though that happened on Flickr! My tip is remember you can always stop and re-group! Give yourself some thinking/breathing/relaxing time!

  17. Happy Blogiversary! I wish I had a great FMQ tip for you, but I'm a simple stitch in the ditch girl. I'm not brave enough to join you in you FMQ yet.

  18. I think you are very brave to try FMQ - I just can't seem to get up the courage. I have done a bit of quilting but never FMQ so good luck and I look forward to reading more about your triumphs and trials while learning - who knows maybe I might get the courage up to try too.

  19. Leanne, congratulations on your blogiversary. Time seems to fly when you are having fun, right?

  20. Happy 3rd blogiversary! I've been enjoying the ride-a-long!


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